I had a “musical” weekend, how about you?
- Friday – Suzuki PG-10 Amp
- Saturday – VOX SSC33VC Single Cut + Case
- Sunday – ESP Semi Acoustic Guitar (Built in Tuner)
Friday – Suzuki PG-10 Amp
My boss was generous enough to let me start work late so I could attend a big music sale at Musos Corner in Newcastle. It did not occur to me how popular this sale would be and that arriving at 9am when the doors open was not early enough. The line up was half a block long and naturally only the first group of people would have gotten the bargains – and snapped them up quick smart! Still, I decided that $1 was a decent amount to pay for a small Suzuki PG-10 amp for my semi acoustic guitar (which I bought in 1996 and never plugged into an amp). The lead I bought (10 foot) was more expensive, at $13.
Saturday – VOX SSC33VC Single Cut + Case
Arriving 40 minutes early got me closer to the front when the doors opened at 9am, but again still not early enough to snap up the ultimate bargains. But, hidden away in a little room that no one seemed to spend much time in, was a VOX SSC33VC single cut electric guitar, with the A4 sized price tag partially obscured by a couple of amps, and only really visible when standing right in front of it. Price tag $1399. Sale price $199. Guess who snapped that up quick smart? 😉 I also got a flamboyant case for it (with built in tuner) for $149 down from $270. Bit of a tight fit, but that’ll do pig. That’ll do.
Sunday – ESP Semi Acoustic Guitar (Built in Tuner)
After setting my alarm extra early, I snapped awake at 7.08AM thinking “shit” and scrambled myself faster than a P-51 Mustang. My alarm HAD gone off some time ago, but my phone was on silent. That didn’t stop a happy “Good Morning!” message on the screen. Thanks alarm.
After arriving at the line before 8am and being in the first 18 or so people, it took a little while before someone mentioned the store does not in fact open at 9am on Sunday, but 11am. There were a few people who had actually camped out by the door all night, in order to secure their “place”, such was their dedication/desperation to grab a beaut guitar for an even “beauter” price. Or an amp, or music editing software ($89 down from $889), or a distortion peddle. By around 10am the morning had warmed up to a balmy 15 degrees Celcius. 3.5 hours of waiting in the cold and the doors finally opened. Yipee.
I knew I would have no chance of getting the VOX Single Cut (price of $6500, sale price $650), but I was hoping for something else, a ESP electric, Ibaneze Prestige, or a $99 ESP acoustic. Since I was person number 20 through the door, all of the great ones were snapped up. One guy was lamenting at after waiting for 20 hours he missed out on the $99 ESPs and that someone who had waited 5 minutes got it. Then I spotted the last $99 ESP (original price; $499) and snapped it up. Sorry fella. Not the colour I wanted, but beggers can’t be choosers. Turned out to be a semi acoustic with built in tuner. Bargain.
I was amused by one guy dressed in shorts and t-shirt (and looking rather cold) mentioning a VOX guitar he was going to buy that no one had noticed yet. Him and 2 other people rushed to that small and little used room, only to be told by me that I had in fact bought that guitar the previous day 😉
Since I was in a hurry and didn’t want to spent too much money, I didn’t hang around to grab a case for it.
2 guitars, an amp, cable and case worth over $2250, grabbed for a modest $468. Not a bad haul 😉