
A Babbling Fool

Greetings. This website serves no real purpose aside from the occasional blog article and gallery of my photography. And as a test bed for some web design techniques.

But if you’re on this page, perhaps you’re a little curious about the Mind of Michael.

Formerly from the Coffs Harbour region, I now call Newcastle (Australia) home.

I can be quite cynical with a light hearted approach to many things in life, with an often warped sense of humour, laughing at my own jokes even if no one else does.

My Favorite Books, Movies, Music
Books (authors) – Cecilia Dart-Thornton, Anne McCaffrey, Steven Donaldson, Mark Anthony, Elizabeth Moon, Ian Irvine, Julian May.

Movies – Aliens SE, Bad Boys, The Bourne Identity, The Day After Tomorrow, Finding Nemo, Zootopia, Spider Man, The 5th Element, The Last Samuri, The Matrix, Wedding Crashers, X-Men, Hot Fuzz, pretty much any Jackie Chan movie

Music (to list a few): Evergrey, Ayreon, Within Temptation, A Perfect Circle, Blackmores Night, Afro Celt Sound System, Enya, Loreena McKennit, Cold, Evanescence, Rasmus, Jimi Hendrix, Beatles, Neil Young, Eagles, Faith No More, Metallica, Guns N Roses, Led Zepplin, System Of A Down.

The Most Private Thing I’m Willing to Admit Here Is
I have long toes. I trip over them sometimes… I sprained one once

Ok that’s it. Get out of here.


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